How to Make the Best Sourdough Bagels

Do you love bagels but clueless as to how in the world to get that firm outer crust with a yummy moist inside? Well I’m about to simplify it all for you with this step by step blog on How to Make the Best Sourdough Bagels.

Seeded sourdough bagels resting on a tray with the oven light shining down on them. Golden brown to perfection.


Now you’ve got to admit, Sourdough is awesome! And the more you learn to make with it, the better off you and your family will be. After all, it’s a much healthier choice because of the fermentation that it goes through which promotes gut health. Now who doesn’t need that!?!




    Ensure that all ingredients are at room temperature before you begin.

Hand mixing the wet and dry ingredients with a dough scraper.

Step 1:

Place 1-1/4 cup of room temperature water in a large bowl. Add 1 cup well fed sourdough starter and 2 tablespoons of syrup to the water and combine well with a whisk.

Add 4 cups of all-purpose flour and 2 teaspoons of salt to the sourdough starter mixture. Combine with the dough scraper until the water and flour mixtures are incorporated and looks shaggy.

Turn the dough out onto a clean counter and knead for 6 minutes or until it is smooth and pliable. Work into a ball and place in the bowl with the smooth side up. Cover with a tea towel and rest for 20 minutes.

Step 2:

Do you want 8 bagels or do you want 10? Now is the time to decide. I prefer 8 because it gives me a nice big bagel but if you'd prefer a little smaller bagel, choose 10. Regardless of your choice now, you can change your mind next time you bake them if you choose. And yes, there will be a next time because these little buggers are so good.

Set your food scale up on the counter. Set it to the weight measurement that you prefer and has been cleared to 0. I highly recommend using grams because it makes the calculation much easier.

Take the total weight of the dough and divide by 8 or 10, whichever is your choice. Begin to cut and weigh your dough until you get all of the pieces made. Keep the dough you are not working with covered with a tea towel to keep it from drying out as you work.

Step 3:

Time to shape our sections of dough into a ball. Take a section of dough and grab one side and pull up and over a little more than halfway and then press into the dough. Continue this process around the section of dough until you have a nice ball formed. Pinch the edges together where you pulled the dough over to create a good seal.

Place sealed side down on a clean, un-floured counter. With palms and hands angled, begin to push and turn the ball a dough around in a circle to create an even tighter ball. (See video clip above for technique.)

Place to the side, under a tea towel, and continue with the rest of the dough sections. Once complete, let rest for 15 minutes.

Create the bagel shape. Woohoo, now the fun begins! But first, let's get our baking pan ready by placing it next to your work station and cover it with parchment paper.

Slide the dough scraper under a dough ball to easily remove it and place it in front of you. Find the center and make a well with your finger. Continue to work the dough ball in the center until you have broken through and a hole appears. It should now look like a donut.

Place the donut look alike on your index finger and begin to spin, CAREFULLY. Don't let it fly off the end of your finger. Continue to spin, allowing the dough to stretch and the whole to get bigger. Once the center has reached 1 to 1-1/2 inches in diameter, dust lightly with flour and place on the baking pan. Continue the same method with the remaining dough balls.

Cover the bagels with a tea towel and place in a warm, humid place for 2-1/2 to 4 hours.

How do I know if the bagels have proofed long enough? There are two methods that you can use but the first takes a little experience and the second is fool proof. Let's cover them both.

First method, gently press your finger into the top of one of the bagels. if it rises slowly back to shape, then it has proofed enough and is ready for the next step.

Second method, take a small bowl and fill it half full of filtered water. Gently place one of the bagels in the water. If it sinks, it needs to proof more. But if it floats, it's well proofed and ready to go. Gently dry the bagel off, re-dust the bagel and place it back of the pan.

Now it's time for the bagels to go into the refrigerator for the fermentation process to begin. But first, cover the bagels with cling wrap that has been lightly sprayed with oil. Place the pan of bagels in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours or the next morning.


Don't let them over proof. Which means, keep a check on them. If they over proof, they will fall when you pick them up on the next step of baking the best sourdough bagels which will be so disappointing.

Step 6:

It's finally time to enjoy the fruits of your labor, and ooooooh how you are going to love these.

So let's put a large pot on the stove (I use an 8 qt pot) and fill it half full of water. Set the stove on high to help get the water boiling and 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 1 tablespoon of brown sugar. Stir to mix and place lid on pot to help the water begin to boil a little quicker. Set the oven at 450 degrees.

While everything is heating up, now is the time to get your toppings set up if you choose to add toppings. There's no rule that says you have to have toppings so keep it plain if that's your preference.

If toppings is your thing, place a small plate for each of your toppings on the counter beside the stove. Add toppings to each so they'll be ready to go when the bagels are ready to be dipped.

Step 7:

Once the water is boiling, remove the bagels from the refrigerator. Place enough bagels in the water so there are not touching. They need plenty of room. With my 8 qt. pot I only boil 3 bagels at a time.

Begin timer for 20 seconds and then turn the bagels over with a slotted ladle. Boil on the opposite side for 20 seconds as well. Remove the best sourdough bagels from the water and place back on the baking sheet. Continue this process with all of the bagels.

Add toppings: now is the time. Take a bagel and place it top side down on the plate of toppings. NOTE: if the bagels have dried too much for the toppings to stick, take a moist but not wet paper towel and dab the top of the bagel before placing in the toppings. Return to baking pan.

When complete, place the baking sheet in the oven and set the oven to 400 degrees. Bake for 18 to 22 mins or until golden brown. Remove from baking sheet and place on a cooling rack to cool.


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