Quail Cage Build Made Easy

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Quail cage build made easy with step-by-step instructions and demonstration. Material list and cut list included!

simply made homestead, raising quail, homestead life, homemade home, scratch cooking

Materials List:

Tools You’ll Need:

complete frame end of quail cage leaning up against a completed quail cage

To begin building the quail cage, let’s get all of our boards cut and ready for assembly.

Cut List

Out of the 2″ x 2″ boards, cut:

  • 4 – 70″ boards
  • 15 – 21″ boards
  • 14 – 36 1/2″ boards
  • 3 – 10 1/2″ boards

Out of the 1″ x 2″ boards, cut:

  • 9 – 19 1/2″ boards
  • 6 – 36″ boards

Step 1: quail cage sides

Now I love a clamp so get yours ready. We will only be using 2″ x 2″ boards in this first part of the build so put your 1″ x 2″ boards aside for now.

  1. Place a little glue on both ends of a 21″ board and clamp to one end of the 70″ board. Pre-drill starter hole for your convenience and then attach with the screw.
  2. Attach a 70″ board to the other end of the 21″ board to create the top level (roof edge) of the cage.
  3. Measure down 12″ from the top on both 70″ boards and mark. Add glue to both ends of 21″ board and screw into place.
  4. Go down 15-1/2″ from the top on both 70″ boards and mark. Add glue to both ends of 21″ board and screw into place. We will continue this process with the following measurements as follows.
  5. 27-1/2″ from the top, glue, screw into place.
  6. 31″ from the top, glue, screw into place.
  7. 43″ from the top, glue, screw into place.
  8. And lastly, 46-1/2″ from the top, glue, screw 21″ board into place. It should look like the image above.

You have completed one side of your quail cage. Congratulations! You are well on your way. Now repeat this process for the other side.

quail cage frame with sides and back joined together

Step 2: how to join the sides

First, we will ONLY join the backside of the quail cage together. You will need 7 – 36 1/2″ boards.

  1. Join the 2 sides together at the top.
  2. Align a 36 1/2″ board with the 21″ board that created the side. See photo above.
  3. Continue this process all the way down wherever there is a 21″ board on the side.

Step 3: how to build the front

  1. Take 2 – 36 1/2″ boards and place a mark at 17 1/2″.
  2. Join the 10 1/2″ board at the 17 1/2″ mark on both 36 1/2″ boards. Always glueing both ends and then screwing into place.

You have just framed out the front of one of your quail cages. Now repeat this process for the other two cages.

quail cage frame with front, back, and sides all joined together

Step 4: front assembly

  1. Attach one of the quail cage frames you just made to the sides beginning at the top.
  2. Continue this process for the other two cage fronts.
  3. Place a 36 1/2″ board along bottom, aligned with 21′ side board. This is for your bottom tray.
quail cage doors framed out and resting on a table

Step 5: it’s time to build the doors

  1. Measure the opening where you want the door to be hung.
  2. Subtract 1/4″ to 3/8″ from the horizontal measurement and cut 2 pieces.
  3. For the vertical pieces we will need to subtract the width of the horizontal pieces as well. Therefore, take you vertical measurements and subtract 3-1/4″ and cut 2 boards to that size.
  4. Join together as shown above with wood glue and screws.
  5. Cover with hardware cloth.

Repeat this process for the remaining two doors making adjustments in size when needed. Sometimes it takes a little tweaking. At least for me anyway.

quail cage removable flooring covered with hardware cloth and attached to quail cage with wood screws

Step 6: quail cage removable floor

Here we will go through the same process as the doors except we’ll be measuring the inside where the floor will go AND we will be using 1″ x 2″ boards instead of the 2″ x 2″.

  • Measure horizontally the inside opening where the floor will go and subtract 1/4″ from the horizontal measurement. Cut 3 sticks of wood (1 for center to add stability).
  • Now measure the vertical width, subtract 3-1/4″ from the measurement and cut 2 sticks of wood.
  • Join together with wood glue and screws.

Here you can use smaller screws if you want or need to because the boards are thinner. Place inside floor area and test for size. You may need to trim a tad but not a problem! I hate having to take something apart and redo but sometimes you just have to. So take it apart and give it a little trim. The glue hasn’t had time to set and you’ll be so glad you did when it comes time to remove the quail cage floors for cleaning.Disclaimer:

Some of the links above are affiliate links which means that I receive a small commission on qualified purchases at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products that I would use myself. 

  1. Cover with hardware cloth.
  2. Screw through outer 2″ x 2″ board into the 1″ x 2″ board to hold into place.

Repeat this process for the other two floors.

You can watch the video as I demonstrate the build and show you what to look for and how each step goes.

Step 7: the finishing touches

Now it’s time to hang the doors and add the hardware cloth.

Staple hardware cloth to both ends and the back. It’s okay to cover the tray slot on these areas if you like or you can measure and cut cloth to fit the cage opening only. It’s your choice.

  1. Hang the door on the front and then add hardware cloth to the front opening only. DO NOT cover the opening where the tray will go.
  2. Nail or screw the 2′ x 3′ sheet of plywood to the top of the quail cage for the roof.
  3. Add trays

Your quail cage is ready for it’s new inhabitants.

complete quail cage with feeder attached in front and pan with shavings under each floor

How to Video Links Below for Raising Quail:

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Some of the links above are affiliate links which means that I receive a small commission on qualified purchases at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products that I would use myself. 

Happy Homesteading!


If you ever have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. I love to hear from you!


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Quail Cage Build Made Easy

Quail cage build made easy with step-by-step instructions and demonstration. Material list and cut list included!
Keyword: build your own quail cage, DIY quail cage, quail cage build, quail cage build with step by step instructions
Author: Marian Wilson


  • hand drill
  • 1/8" bit (for pre-holes)
  • table saw
  • clamp, medium size
  • wood clue


  • 14 2" x 2" pine boards
  • 5 1" x 2" pine boards
  • 1 2' x 3' plywood (for roof)
  • 24" wide 1/2" hardware cloth (19 gauge)
  • 3 36" oil trays
  • 6 2" hinges
  • 3 2" latches



complete frame end of quail cage leaning up against a completed quail cageCut List
Out of the 2″ x 2″ boards, cut:
  • 4 – 70″ boards
  • 15 – 21″ boards
  • 14 – 36 1/2″ boards
  • 3 – 10 1/2″ boards
Our of the 1″ x 2″ boards, cut:
  • 9 – 19 1/2″ boards
  • 6 – 36″ boards
Step 1:  quail cage sides
Now I love a clamp because I could not build this quail cage by myself without it, so get yours ready. We will only be using 2″ x 2″ boards in this first part of the build so put your 1″ x 2″ boards aside for now.
  1. Place a little glue on both ends of a 21″ board and clamp to one end of the 70″ board. Pre-drill stater hole for your convenience and then attac with the screw.
  2. Attach a 70″ board to the other end of the 21″ board o create the top level (roof edge) of the cage.
  3. Measure down 12″ from the top on both 70″ boards and mark. Add glue to both ends of 21″ board and screw into place.
  4. Go down 15-1/2″ from the top on both 70″ boards and mark. Add glue to both ends of 21″ board and screw into place. We will continue this process with the following measurements as follows.
  5. 27-1/2″ from the top, glue, screw into place.
  6. 31″ from the top, glue, screw into place.
  7. 43″ from the top, glue, screw into place.
  8. And lastly, 46-1/2″ from the top, glue, screw 21″ board into place. It whould look like the image above.
You have completed one side of your quail cage. Congratulations, you are well on your way! Now repeat this process for the other side.
quail cage frame with sides and back joined together
Step 2:  join the sides
First, we ONLY join the backside of the quail cage. You will need 7-36 1/2″ boards.
  1. Join the 2 sides together at the top.
  2. Aligh a 36 1/2″ board with the 21″ board that created the side. 
Step 3:  the front
  1. Take 2 – 36 1/2″ boards and place a mark at 17 1/2″
  2. Join the 10 1/2″ board at the 17 1/2″ mark on both 36 1/2″ boards. Always glueing both ends and then screwing into place.
You have just framed out the front of one of your quail cages. Now repeat this process for the other two cages.
quail cage frame with front, back, and sides all joined together
Step 4:  front assembly
  1. Attach one of the quail cage frames you just made to the sides beginning at the top.
  2. Continue this process for the other two cage fronts.
  3. Place a 36 1/2″ board along the bottom, aligned with the 21″ side board. This is for your bottom tray.
quail cage doors framed out and resting on a table
Step 5:  the doors
  1. Measure the opening where you want the door to be hung.
  2. Subtract 1/4″ to 3/8″ from the horizontal measurement and cut 2 pieces.
  3. For the vertical pieces we will need to subtract the width of the horizontal pieces as well. Therefore, take your vertical measurements and subtract 3 1/4″ and cut 2 boards to that size.
  4. Join together with wood glue and screws.
  5. Cover with harward cloth.
Repeat this process for the remaining two doors making adjustments in size when needed. Sometimes it takes a little tweaking. At least for me anyway.
quail cage removable flooring covered with hardware cloth and attached to quail cage with wood screws
Step 6:  removable floor
Here we will go through the same process as the doors except we’ll be measuring the inside where the floor will go AND we will be using 1″ x 2″ boards instead of the 2″ x 2″ boards.
  1. Measure horizontally the inside opening where the floor will go and subtract 1/4″ from the horizontal measurement. Cut 3 sticks of wood (1 for center to add stability).
  2. Now measure the vertical width, subtract 2-1/4″ from the measurement and cut 2 sticks of wood.
  3. Join together with wood glue and screws.
Here you can use smaller screws if you want or need to because the boards are thinner. Place inside floor area and test for size. You may need to trim a tad but not a problem! I hate having to take something apart and redo but sometimes you just have to. So take it apart and give it a little trim. The glue hasn’t had time to set and you’ll be so glad you did when it comes time to remove the quail cage floors for cleaning.Disclaimer:
Some of the links above are affiliate links which means that I receive a small commission on qualified purchases at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products that I would use myself.
  1. Cover with hardware cloth.
  2. Screw through outer 2″ x 2″ board into the 1″ x 2″ board to hold into place.
Repeat this process for the other two floors.
You can watch the video as I demonstrate the build and show you what to look for and how each step goes.
Step 7:  the fiinishing touches
Now it’s time to hang the doors and add the hardware cloth.
Staple hardware cloth to both ends and the back. It’s okay to cover the tray slot on these areas if you like or you can measure and cut cloth to fit the cage opening only. It’s your choice.
  1. Hang the door on the fron and then add hardward cloth to the fron opening only. DO NOT cover the opening where the tray will go. 
  2. Nail or screw the 2′ x 3′ sheet of plywood to the top of the quail cage for the roof.
  3. Add trays.
Your quail cage is ready for its new inhabitants.

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