How to Harvest Honey Without an Extractor

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Harvesting honey from a frame without an extractor is a simple and effective method that allows beekeepers to collect fresh honey using basic tools. Whether you’re a small-scale beekeeper or just want to enjoy raw honey straight from the hive, this method works well with minimal equipment.

What You’ll Need:

  • A full honey frame (fully capped for best results)
  • A spatula or butter knife
  • A fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth
  • A large bowl or food-safe container
  • A spoon or ladle
  • Clean jars for storage

1. Remove the Honey Frame

Carefully take a full frame of honey from the hive. Ensure that most of the cells are capped with wax, as this indicates the honey is fully matured and ready for harvest.

2. Scrape the Honey from the Frame

Using a spatula or butter knife, gently scrape down the frame, removing both the wax cappings and honey. Be sure to scrape both sides of the frame, collecting all the honey and wax into a large bowl or container.

3. Strain the Honey

Place a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth over another clean container or bowl. Pour the honey and wax mixture into the strainer, allowing gravity to separate the honey from the wax. You can use a spoon or ladle to help move the honey through the strainer.

4. Let It Sit and Drain

Allow the honey to drain through the mesh for several hours or overnight. The wax will remain in the strainer while the pure, raw honey collects in the container below.

5. Store the Honey

Once fully strained, transfer the honey into clean, airtight jars. Store it at room temperature in a cool, dry place.

Cleaning Up the Frame

After extracting the honey, place the frame outside far away from the hive to prevent attracting robbers. The bees will quickly appear and clean up any remaining honey beautifully. Leave the frame out for a couple of days, then either place it in the freezer to keep pests away or return it to the hive.

Bonus: What to Do with the Wax

The leftover wax can be used to make candles, lip balm, or other DIY projects. Simply melt it down and filter out any remaining honey.

Final Thoughts

Harvesting honey without an extractor is a cost-effective and simple method that preserves the natural goodness of raw honey. This approach is ideal for small-scale beekeepers or those who enjoy a hands-on, traditional way of collecting honey.

Enjoy your homemade honey—straight from the hive to your jar!


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Happy Homesteading!


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At Simply Made Homestead, we embrace the joy of self-sufficiency and creating from scratch. What began as a small dream has grown into a thriving five-acre homestead with goats, chickens, bees, and more.
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